GreenCyber and Net Zero Cyber Security
"Where Technology, Cyber and AI become ESG compliant."
"Where Technology, Cyber and AI become ESG compliant."
Our Mission
To secure the Green Technology required to move towards a Net Zero Economy and incorporating Digitally Sustainable Cyber and AI into your ESG strategy. We also work across society globally to help deliver Net Zero Cyber security as Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing and other emerging technologies rapidly transforms industry.
Our Story
Welcome to GreenCyber® where our mission is to focus on supporting organisations minimising the ecological footprint and carbon cost of digital infrastructure including Artificial Intelligence and the emerging quantum capabilities while maintaining robust cyber security measures
The two greatest global risks that governments today identify are uncontrolled and accelerating climate change and uncontrolled technological advancement.
GreenCyber® refers to the research, innovation and solutions needed to mitigate the effects of both these risks.
The push for greener technologies should not need to compromise security; whilst Secure by Design is now a recognised practice, we seek to extend this now to Green by Design.
The rapid emergence of new technologies notability Artificial Intelligence and Quantum computing have accelerated the conversation around security and sustainability to an extend that they were a core topic of discussion by world leaders at the Global AI Safety Summit hosted by the UK Prime Minister in 2023 at Bletchley Park
In 2024 The McPartland Review commissioned by the UK Government to produce a report on cyber security and economic sustainability, highlighted and recommended that "Green Cyber" was an area where the United Kingdom could provide a global lead in thought leadership and practical solutions.
GreenCyber® was originally a research project by Professor Richard Benham to study how cyber security and sustainability issues could align and was registered as a trademark in 2021.
A not-for-profit company, GreenCyber® Research Limited has been established to facilitate and conduct research projects to answer these challenges with the ambition to become the GreenCyber® Research Institute and help the UK take a strategic global lead.
One of the most crucial areas of our work here at GreenCyber® is our desire to conduct and support research. We want to support interdisciplinary research to advance the scientific and humanitarian understanding of how sustainability blends with security particularly in emerging technologies involving Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing.
Typically we seek to award grants to support small-scale research projects or proof of concept research that will normally lead to an application for a larger grant
To encourage real innovation and fresh ideas we encourage submissions from not just academia, but businesses and the public.
The annual GreenCyber® Summit will also allow these successful ideas to be presented and publicised to a global audience. This area of our work would not be possible without our ESG accredited members who not only help fund the grants but give their time to help choose and support applicants.
That all areas of Cyber, be that Security, AI, Innovation or Human related consider sustainability and environmental impact as part of their design, implementation or disposal.
That a minimum ESG standard should be maintained to enable organisations and individuals to demonstrate their support and actual contribution with a GreenCyber® accreditation.
For organisations to adopt the concept of Green by Design to sit alongside Secure by Design To facilitate research, best practice, knowledge and Innovation across the Global GreenCyber® Community
To facilitate and share research, best practice, knowledge and Innovation across the Global GreenCyber® Community.
The GreenCyber® Charter v1.0 (pdf)
GreenCyber® Research Chair, the Rt Hon Stephen McPartland talked to FT Adviser about the need for technology and sustainability to be complementary..
Plans have been agreed to host the Global GreenCyber® 2025 Summit in the United Kingdom. Details are expected to be released in late 2024
New artificial intelligence (AI) solutions will accelerate industrial decarbonisation across the country, with nearly £4 million in government funding for green innovations.
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
For prime vendors to accredit their supply chains using the GreenCyber charter and in line with recognised sustainability and net zero industry standards.
A short online course for your supply chain on GreenCyber including how Secure by Design can be complemented by Green by Design for long term benefits.
Send us a message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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GreenCyber Research Limited is registered in England and Wales and limited by Guarantee.
GreenCyber is a Registered Trademark and also subject to Copyright 2023